Spanish Red Cross. Lugo Cozy families

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

This project has the objective a standardized family environment for children who are at risk, neglected or socially unprotected.

With the foster care you will receive more than what you give. It can be a welcoming family that has the desire and the illusion of making a home in one or more children. No matter the age, sex, marital status or socio-economic position.

Host families

  • The foster care is not an adoption, it is a temporary situation.
  • It may be in the short term, when the return of the child to his biological family is foreseen shortly.
  • It may be in the long term, when a difficult return is expected of the child with his biological family.
  • During the stay there are visits, calls, etc. between the child and his family, so that affective bonds are not lost.
  • It will always be obtained for the interests that most benefit the child.


  • Children live with the family throughout the day (they are the most common) and begin gradually.
  • The child only spends part of the day with the host family, which is complemented by his own.
  • The coexistence with the cozy ones takes place in of weekend and vacations.
  • The incorporation of the child is carried out without prior adaptation period and for a very determined time (emergency care).

Support and follow-up

  • Cozy families receive financial support depending on the age of the children.
  • The welcoming people receive continuous formation, of parental and emotional care, that is realized through the School of Training for Cozy Families of Red Cross
  • In addition, when a child is already in a home, home visits, telephone calls and follow-up reports.

Testimonials  host


Testimonios de Familias de Acogimiento en Vídeo

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Do you want to volunteer? Lugo Red Cross. Spain

Host families

Web oficial de acogimiento familiar de Cruz Roja en Galicia

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