Education for development and international cooperation - Youth Red Cross

Education for development and international cooperation
Youth Red Cross

Youth. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

We promote and disseminate humanitarian values such as solidarity, justice, respect, equality, dialogue, peace and international cooperation from a Human Rights approach and through social awareness and education for Human Rights, Peace and Development.

Education for development and international cooperation projects

Objective: To inform and train about the reality of the world population. Promote and disseminate humanitarian values and solidarity through social awareness and education in favor of Human Rights, Peace and Development.

Target audience: children and young people in particular and the general population.

Contents: Human Rights, Intercultural Education, Education for Peace and Development and International Cooperation.

Objective: to promote the structural development of Red Cross Youth in other National Societies.

Target audience: children and young people in particular and the general population.

Contents: Institutional development from the Red Cross Youth, strengthening of the organizational structure of the youth sections of other national societies, economic and financial management, territorial structure.

Objective: To disseminate and promote the application and defense of Human Rights, Children's Rights and International Humanitarian Law.

Target audience: children and young people in particular and the general population.

Contents: Human rights, rights and duties of children.

Objective: to promote attitudes of acceptance, respect and tolerance towards the rest of the people, regardless of their origin, age, sex or social situation. achieve the achievement of the leap from a multicultural society such as the one we live towards an intercultural one, in which diverse cultural identities are integrated and respected. To favor and reinforce the bases of a reciprocal relationship between different societies and / or different cultural groups and, consequently, to ensure that diversity ceases to be a reason for marginalization and to make an effort to maintain the different cultural identities.

Target audience: children and young people in particular and the general population.

Contents: interculturality, multiculturalism, prejudices, rights of the immigrant population, other realities, perceptions.

Objective: To promote awareness and implementation of a culture of respect and to show that dialogue and cooperation are more effective than violence.

Target audience: children and young people in particular and the general population.

Contents: coexistence, North-South reality, Skills, attitudes of understanding and respect, other realities, equality between human beings, solidarity, culture of peace.

Objective: To report quickly and accurately to the general public, and the younger population in particular, to disasters, not only during the emergency phase, but also in the periods before and after a catastrophe. They are integrated into the emergency response operation of the Spanish Red Cross, so they are activated simultaneously and simultaneously to this system. It is intended, therefore, to channel the response of the population to catastrophes, informing it and making it a participant through various methods (awareness-raising actions in schools, at the foot of the street, through posters ...).

Target audience: general population.

Contents: disasters, catastrophes, humanitarian aid, emergency arrangements, development cooperation.

What are the human rights?


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