First aid course. Spanish Red Cross. Lugo - Galicia

Other courses Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

Lugo Red Cross offers courses and quality training based on the experience it has as a reference organization in the care of emergencies and people

Prevention of occupational hazards

  • Objective:To train the student to perform the functions of the basic level of Occupational Risk Prevention that the Law requires of all companies. The rights and duties of workers and employers in preventive matters are disclosed, as well as the basic regulations applicable in the respective jobs

MNTT Management POS in the commerce sector

  • Objective: Efficiently manage the position of employee of any commercial entity and, above all, manage to achieve the expert management of any computer terminal that must be used in the daily performance of this type of jobs.

First aid

  • Objective: Acquire the basic knowledge to offer a fast and effective help to people who have suffered an injury and are in an emergency situation either by accident or illness in work environments, knowing the measures of prevention and reduction of risks.

New technologies applied to employment

  • Objective: With this course the students acquire a practical knowledge of tools and services available on the Internet that can help them in their job search process and in their future professional environment.

Basic cooking operations

  • Objective: Pre-elaborate food, prepare and present simple culinary elaborations and assist in the preparation of more complex elaborations, executing and applying operations, techniques and basic rules of manipulation, preparation and conservation of foods.

Fresh food trade clerk

  • Objective: The skills to be acquired in this position are: customer care (cutting, packaging, weighing, labeling, etc.), preparation of trays, removals, control of expiry, maintenance of order and cleaning. There are variations depending on the raw material that can be: charcuteria, fishmonger, greengrocer, bakery-pastry and butcher.

Food handler

  • Objective: Basic training in food handling for catering staff, caretakers of residences, nurseries. Provide the attendees with the basic knowledge and standards necessary for food handling. Gain knowledge about food hazards and preventive measures for their control. To know the main diseases of alimentary origin, causal agents, vehicles of transmission, limiting factors, clinical picture and preventive measures.

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Courses of first aid