Speech Therapy Area. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Speech Therapy Area. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Speech Therapy Area. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo

Speech Therapy. Brain Damage Center
Cruz Roja Española Lugo

Hogar escuela, Castro Riberas de Lea, Lugo. 982 31 10 30

Speech Therapy Area

Area that focuses on the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation of communication and swallowing.

Neurological speech therapy, speech, language and communication rehabilitation (aphasias, dysarthria, alternative communication systems), myofunctional therapy, reading and writing (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia), speech deglutition (dysphagia, atypical swallowing) Assessment, advice and monitoring of type of feeding.