Lugo Red Cross Drug Dependence Unit

Drug Dependence Unit Lugo Red Cross

Rúa San Eufrasio, Lugo. 982 280 434

Inaugurated in 2009, the Center is part of the public system for the care of drug addicts.


From the Drug Dependency Assistance Unit, we offer a response to the problems created by dependencies for certain types of substances, both individually, family and social.


The main activities of the center are:


  • Information and advice.
  • Detoxification and medical follow-up.
  • Dishabituation therapy: group, individual, family and pharmacological.
  • Methadone Dispensation.
  • Parent Group.
  • Medical, psychological and social care.


We also have welfare programs

  • Drug-free.
  • Alcohol.
  • Stimulating dependencies.
  • Ludopathies.
  • Smoking.


In short, to develop individual capacities that favor interpersonal relationships and social incorporation


The Center is financed by the Health Department of the Xunta de Galicia, within the Autonomous Plan of Drugs, and with own resources of Red Cross.

Advice on drugs


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What is an addiction?

Information about drugs

Servicio multicanal de información y prevención de drogas