Rehabilitation with articulated robot Lokomat. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with articulated robot Lokomat. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with articulated robot Lokomat. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with articulated robot Lokomat. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with articulated robot Lokomat. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo

Rehabilitation with Lokomat
Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Hogar escuela, Castro Riberas de Lea, Lugo. 982 31 10 30

Lokomat is a high-tech robot that is used to mobilize and work in standing up to patients who have suffered a brain injury, a spinal cord injury, a stroke or a vascular accident, and can not walk.

Robot-assisted therapy allows efficient and intensive training and ensures optimal exploitation of neuroplasticity and recovery potential. It is used for a highly intensive physiological gait rehabilitation for severely affected neurological patients.

The Lokomat allows therapists to focus on the patient and the actual therapy. Improves the efficiency and safety of the staff, leading to greater training intensity, more treatments per therapist and consistent and superior patient care.

Lokomat-assisted therapy in combination with conventional therapy is more effective than physiotherapy alone in gait rehabilitation in walking dependence after a stroke.

The speed, the load and the robotic support can be adjusted to achieve optimal results in the intensity of the therapy. Ensures increased efficiency, effective gait training and active participation of patients during rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation of the march with Lokomat


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