Teleasistencia a domicilio en cualquier localidad de la provincia de Lugo

Teleasistencia a domicilio en cualquier localidad de la provincia de Lugo

Tele assistance Lugo Red Cross

Avenida de Madrid, Lugo. 982 23 16 13

One more in the family

The service of Red Cross Domiciliary Teleassistance gives immediate response in emergency situations, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

This service connects users with the Red Cross Alarm Center uninterruptedly

Its purpose is to promote the autonomy and independence of the elderly and other groups in situations of dependency.

What does it offer?

  • Immediate attention to domestic and health emergencies
  • Individualized follow-up and visits of Red Cross volunteers
  • Agendas to remember important data and family warnings
  • Complementary activities

What advantages does it have?

  • Improves quality of life
  • Enables the stay at home of those who need permanent care
  • Prevents isolation and social uprooting
  • Provides security and peace of mind to users and their families

Who does he protect?

  • People in solitude
  • Old people
  • People with chronic diseases
  • Dependent people
  • People with disabilities

How does it work?

Immediate attention at the push of a button

  1. Always carry the hanger or bracelet on top
  2. Press the button in case of need or emergency
  3. Press the button in case of need or emergency

Your safety is your peace of mind

Free phone number: 900 814 222

 Tele-assistance at any address in the province of Lugo

Where there is a telephone line it is possible to install the teleassistance. Ask us

Home  teleassistance


Cruz Roja Lugo - Hazte Voluntario

Hazte Voluntario

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Hazte socio de Cruz Roja

Home telecare Spanish Red Cross. Lugo - Galicia. How does it work. Terminal. Pendant. Bracelet

Sensors and detectors. Home Monitoring Advanced Telecare Second generation telecare


User Testimonials

Oliva Díaz Fernández

Oliva Díaz Fernández


"Gracias a la Teleasistencia estoy siempre acompañada, es como si no estubiera sóla en casa. Me siento protegida"


María Río Galán


"Desde que tengo Teleasistencia estoy contenta porque me siento segura y tranquila tanto en casa como en la calle con la Teleasistencia Móvil. En una ocasión pulsé por una emergencia y en 1 minuto estaba atendida. Siempre atienden con gran cariño"


Chus Navarro


"Lo que nos aporta ante todo es TRANQUILIDAD, te sientes acompañada en la tarea de cuidadora de una persona con dependencia. Saber que de forma inmediata vas a tener una respuesta de una persona experta te da seguridad, tanto para nosotras, familiares de referencia, como para mi marido saber de la disponibilidad de alertar en caso de que sea necesario" (Familiar de usuario con Teleasistencia domiciliaria Lugo)"