Family Respite Program. Spanish Red Cross. Lugo

Respite program Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

This project aims to improve situations of personal or family deterioration that result from the intensive care of dependents.

Temporary support for families with elderly dependents

The aim is to assist non-professional caregivers with dependent persons or elderly persons with reduced mobility at their expense.

The project has adapted transportation vehicles to facilitate the participation of people with reduced mobility in the project activities, promoting their integration into the environment.

A few hours of free time are given to caregivers who provide respite for other activities.

Family Respite Program. Spanish Red Cross. Lugo

Help for non-professional caregivers

To improve caregivers and reduce their burden, anxiety, and depression, a program is needed that combines educational support, emotional support, and resource facilitation.

Training courses and useful information with supporting documents, publications, magazines, books, videos

Caregiver Help Phone and psychological and emotional assistance.

Free phone number: 900 365 100

Family respite program


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