Social Work Area. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo

Social work. Brain Damage Center
Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Hogar escuela, Castro Riberas de Lea, Lugo. 982 31 10 30

Social Work Area

The social worker is an essential figure within the Center. We inform the resident and their families of the support systems as well as the resources that exist according to their needs. We explain, always in the most assertive and objective way possible, the different options that exist, so that they can freely choose which path to take.

Families that encounter a member with brain damage need a new organization and supports that they did not need before. To give an adequate response to the range of needs that arise, it is essential to coordinate the professionals who work in the different contexts where the resident is located..

Within the multidisciplinary team, the ultimate goal of all actions undertaken is to improve the quality of life of residents and their families, attention to social demands and the promotion and development of people.

For this, among the functions performed by social workers with families are:

- Information, advice and guidance on existing resources to address the problems detected.

- Prevention of family overload through support in the resolution of social problems and the delegation of procedures such as the management of a pension, the recognition of a disability, the recognition of dependency and other aid.

While some of the roles he plays within the multidisciplinary team are:

- Study of the legal, social and family situation to carry out an appropriate intervention.

- Information, advice and guidance on existing resources to address the problems detected.

- Orientation to the team of the same.

- Coordination with public and private organizations to refer cases when necessary.

Follow up of each case.


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