Employment Plan. Lugo Red Cross

Employment Plan Lugo Red Cross

Avenida de Madrid, Lugo, 982 23 16 13

We work for promote equal opportunities and, in this way, those who are at a disadvantage access to the labor market on equal terms.

Objectives of the Red Cross Employment Plan : Strengthen and strengthen the employability of disadvantaged people , expanding their skills and capabilities to place them in better employment conditions. Fighting against social barriers that exist, given the access of people in social difficulty to the labor market, and which are usually manifested in the form of stereotypes, prejudices, social disadvantage, discriminatory practices


Youth guarantee

Youth guarantee

Young people under 30 years old
Alliances with companies

Alliances with companies

Companies, entities and social institutions


People with difficulties in accessing the labor market
Older than 45

Older than 45

Support for the employment of persons over 45
Difficult insertion

Difficult insertion

Itineraries for people with disabilities Insertion in work
Reto social empresarial

Reto social empresarial

Queremos que las empresas se sumen a nuestro reto

Job search tips


Lugo Red Cross - Castelo 37

Casa en Castelo 37

Cruz Roja Lugo - Hazte Voluntario

Hazte Voluntario

Become a Red Cross member

Hazte socio de Cruz Roja

How we work with people

Employment plan Red Cross