Rehabilitation with aquatic physiotherapy. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with aquatic physiotherapy. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo
Rehabilitation with aquatic physiotherapy. Castro Riberas de Lea. Red Cross Lugo

Rehabilitation with aquatic physiotherapy
Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Hogar escuela, Castro Riberas de Lea, Lugo. 982 31 10 30

Hydrotherapy, given its properties and its multiple benefits, is an important therapeutic complement in all rehabilitation of people who have suffered an acquired brain damage.

With aquatic therapy there is a significant general improvement; the immersion in hot water produces a relaxation of the musculature, causing a hypotonia of the same when the movements are slow and slow.

In the water, people with brain damage need less energy and help to move, have higher ranges of movement, an increase in muscle tone and a noticeable improvement in balance and gait reactions.

Rehabilitation with aquatic physiotherapy.


Lugo Red Cross - Brain damage center

Centro de daño cerebral. Cruz Roja Española - Lugo

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