Helps women in social difficulty - Lugo Red Cross

Helps women in social difficulty
Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

This program offers a comprehensive response to the various situations of isolation, social exclusion and vulnerability suffered by many women, who do not have a family and / or social support network, lack financial resources, or have dependents, and also provide assistance specializes in women who are mistreated by gender violence or victims of sexual exploitation

Some of the most important problems faced by women on a daily basis are economic, such as lack of income, a high rate of unemployment or occupation in precarious employment, difficulties in arriving at the end of the month, housing defaults , situations of material deprivation, and the impossibility of having recourse to anyone for economic aid.

The program tries to give a turn to motivate the change, providing comprehensive care, support, legal advice, psychological support, training, job counseling, etc ...

Women in social vulnerability


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Business commitment against gender violence

United against gender violence

Care and protection AtenPro
