Restoration of contact between family members. Searches. Spanish Red Cross

Restoring family links. Searches
Spanish Red Cross

Social intervention. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

We try to help families when contact with one of their members has been lost, as a result of an armed conflict or other situation of violence; a natural catastrophe or in a situation with humanitarian repercussions.

Restoration of contact between family members. Searches. Spanish Red Cross

Conflicts and disasters often lead to the separation of families, who are left in a state of uncertainty and anguish for ignoring the fate of their loved ones. Spanish Red Cross, together with the CICR and the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of other countries help people in Spain to look for a relative in another country.

Restoration of contact between family members. Searches. Spanish Red Cross

This activity includes searching for relatives, finding the whereabouts of missing persons, reestablishing contact, reuniting scattered family members and trying to clarify the fate of people who continue to be disappeared..

More information in: CICR (International Committee of the Red Cross) | IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) | Family Links

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Restoring family links

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