Preventive services Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

This program provides preventive-sanitary coverage to events involving a large influx of people , and increases the risk of an incident occurring, or activities that may involve risks to participants and public

It tends to favor the coverage of those activities that have to do with sport and culture, such as: cycling races, tournaments and championships, concerts, rallies, parties ...

Lugo Red Cross. Preventive services

The Red Cross provides in each preventive service the human and material resources necessary to solve all types of incidents, as well as to ensure the immediate implementation of the first three links of the "Chain of Survival" (activation of the emergency system , initiation of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers and semiautomatic defibrillation), in the event of a vital urgency or a time-dependent pathology during the coverage of a preventive service

Request a budget for a preventive service with basic life support ambulance:

Lugo Red Cross. Preventive services

Any public or private entity that requires health coverage of an event you can apply for Red Cross preventive services, counseling or a budget

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