Spanish Red Cross. Coordination Center Galicia Red Cross

Coordination Center Galicia Red Cross

Cruz Roja Española, 1 - Edificio Cruz Roja, A Coruña. 981 221 000

This center coordinates the assistance resources in the programs of Sanitary Transport, Maritime Rescue, Teleassistance and Geolocation; giving support to all projects of Spanish Red Cross in Galicia.

Staff of Red Cross Galicia. Obradoiro Square. Santiago de CompostelaStaff of Red Cross Galicia. Obradoiro Square. Santiago de Compostela

In Galicia, work is done with the ERIEs of: Provisional Shelter, Psychosocial Care in Emergencies and Search and Rescue in the Aquatic Environment. In Predictable Risk Activities: Preventive services in the terrestrial environment, and preventive services in the aquatic environment. There is a collaboration agreement with the Maritime Rescue and Safety Society (SASEMAR) for the mobilization of ERIEs.

Spanish Red Cross in Galicia. Maritime rescue coordination center Spanish Red Cross Galicia - Cruz Vermella. Maritime rescue coordination center. A Coruña

In Social intervention: Telephone services for attention, monitoring and protection Home telecare and Mobile telecare for the elderly / sick. Servicio de localización (LOPE) para personas con deterioro cognitivo.


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Red Cross Galicia

Maritime Rescue Galicia

Spanish Red Cross - Galicia
Spanish Red Cross - Galicia

Cruz Roja Española - Centros de Coordinación