March 8, International Women's Day
Lugo Red Cross

Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

Inequality persists throughout the world, depriving women and girls of fundamental rights and opportunities simply because they are women.


In the case of women served by the Red Cross we find that more than 60 percent of those who are of working age, are unemployed and among those who are working, 80 percent are poor workers. On the other hand, 73.5 percent are responsible alone for domestic work and raising children.By last, more than 92 percent of the homes of women served are at risk of poverty and exclusion.

Red Cross articulates a series of responses to reduce the impact that this inequality produces, through projects aimed at alleviating poverty situations, improve the employability of women and favor inclusive markets, and prevent and act against gender violence, among others.

arch 8 is an opportunity to make inequality visible, but also to work for equality what the effort and daily commitment of all people, in the domestic, labor, family, social and political, among others.

The gender gap between women and men is a reality

In our country, the wage gap is around 30 percent (if the supplements are considered) and increases year after year (Report Salary gap and glass ceiling of Gestha). According to data from the Labor Force Survey, the unemployment gap was in 2017 at 3.37 points (tfemale unemployment rate 19.03% vs male unemployment 15.66%). Despite the recovery in the employment rate, the gender gap has increased in relation to the previous year. 89% of women's employment is concentrated in the service sector, which has the highest rates of temporary and part-time employment. The pension gap amounts to 37 percent. Inequality is also evident in the field of care. Women dedicate between one and three hours more than men to housework; between 2 and 10 times more daily time to provide care to children and dependent elderly people (Data UN Women). The most visible end of inequality is gender violence.

Red Cross as a humanitarian organization that works with vulnerable people, is in direct contact with this reality. Women are, to a greater degree, victims of poverty and social vulnerability and the risks of discrimination, social exclusion and violence they face are the result of an unequal system.

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