2nd Marathon of solidary haircut

Hairdressers and hairdressers ALUMA collaborate for the second consecutive year with the Red Cross toy campaign

On December 22 from 11 in the morning and until 11 at night , come to cut your hair  Aluma Hairdressers en La Ferretería Eventos & Co and you will be collaborating with the Toy campaign de Cruz Roja Española Lugo


Aluma Airdressers

in The hardware store Eventos & Co

In: Rúa San Froilán, 11, Lugo

Age: From 0 to 99 years

Price: 5 ¿

Gifts and raffles just for attending

Become a Red Cross member

Hazte socio de Cruz Roja

Do you want to volunteer?

Do you want to volunteer? Lugo Red Cross. Spain

Your rights at stake

Sus derechos en juego