Emergency Response Units
ERU. Spanish Red Cross

International Humanitarian Aid. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

The ERU (Emergency Response Units ) are intended to offer International Humanitarian Aid to minimize the effects of catastrophes as much as possible in the affected population and, specifically, in the most vulnerable groups (women, children, elderly, sick and disabled).

Emergency Response Units. ERU. Spanish Red Cross

The Emergency Response Units are deployed in the affected area within a maximum period of 72 hours. It is intended that they be as flexible as possible, and that they can deal with emergency situations, as well as incorporate early recovery activities

Each Emergency Response Unit (ERU) is composed of groups of specialists with the right training and training. It works completely independently. It works together with the staff of the Red Cross or local Red Crescent, training it to be able to continue the work once the mission is completed by handing over the equipment.

It covers the needs of Ambulatory Immediate Care, Promotion and education for health, Epidemiological and nutritional surveillance

The human team of this ERU is composed of health personnel (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) and personnel specialized in the maintenance of structures (plumbing technicians, electricity, etc ...)

It covers the needs of Capture, purify, store, distribute and supply high quality water. As well Promote healthy hygiene habits

The human team of this ERU is composed of an average of 6 professionals with knowledge of: chemistry, biology, geology, plumbing, electricity, logistics and hygiene promotion. This staff works from the beginning with volunteer staff from the Red Cross or the local Red Crescent, who receive training so that they can use the equipment in future emergencies.

Try to Prevent the spread and spread of diseases after a catastrophe. Teaching and installing the necessary sanitary means.

It takes care of Make information flow in emergency situations. Assessing needs, facilitating coordination, establishing transmission links, and training local staff

The human team of this ERU is composed of experts in telecommunications, IT and technicians with experience in logistics. In each mission an average of 3 people moves

Try to Acquire, receive, store, and transport the goods of first necessity. It is also responsible for receiving and transporting the rest of the activated ERUs to the place of operation

Identify the needs of the population

The years of experience of the Red Cross allow for a list of standardized basic necessities: blankets, kitchen utensils, hygienic packages, water containers, mosquito nets, plastic awnings to build shelters, etc ...

These units are coordinated by the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), which includes 175 countries with presence of the Red Cross, among which are Spain with the USA, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, and Japan.

Unit Immediate Response Emergencies. ERU. Spanish Red Cross

More information in: Spanish Red Cross. Emergency Response Units (ERU) | IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)

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ERU of water and sanitation

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Cruz Roja Española. Cooperación Internacional

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