Asylum seekers and refugees. Spanish Red Cross. Lugo

Foster care and integration of beneficiaries of international protection Spanish Red Cross Lugo

Refugees. Av. de Madrid, Lugo. 982 231 613

We want to meet the humanitarian emergency needs of refugees, forced to forced emigration, including your labor insertion, and trying to avoid social exclusion, discrimination, racism and xenophobia

Our humanitarian commitment has as a final objective the integration of asylum seekers into the host society and for this there is a wide network of workers and volunteers.

The program has several phases that cover from the first reception until the autonomy phase, with a duration of 18 to 24 months.

Refugee placement. Spanish Red Cross

The project includes temporary reception, social intervention actions, economic aid, legal and legal assistance, equipment and adaptation of buildings, psychological assistance, social health assistance, and language learning.

This project is funded by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the European Union.

More information in: Spanish Red Cross, Social intervention - Refugees and in Refugee Crisis Operation in Europe | Humanitarian crisis Refugees. Syria

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